Working with Luna

Find below the details of how to employ or work with me.
I am Luna, an enthusiastic Electrical Engineering student at a Federal Higher Technical Teaching and Research Institute, working towards my Matura in Electrical Engineering. My passion for technology and programming has equipped me with a diverse skill set, making me a valuable asset to businesses and companies seeking innovative solutions. I also have a strong interest in Austrian and European law, particularly in areas of privacy, digital rights, and freedom.

I have a native fluency in both English and German, as demonstrated in the marks table below.

Electrical Engineering

Programming & Software Development


Professional Experience

I have collaborated with various companies, including an independent contractor for Formula 1, where I contributed to warehouse management programs and similar projects.



I adhere to the Austrian 'Kollektivvertrag' (Collective Agreement) and comply with Austrian law regarding payment structures. For detailed information on the collective agreement for the electrical and electronics industry, please refer to the official documentation. ( )


To discuss potential collaborations or to learn more about how I can contribute to your projects, please feel free to reach out through email at .

Please ensure you contact me using your company's email address, such as, rather than using a generic email addresses such as @gmail or @hotmail.

I look forward to the opportunity to work together and bring innovative solutions to your business.

School Report Card

A table of my latest assessments at the FHTTaRI (HTBLuVA).

Should you require a hard copy, please let me know and I will arrange for one to be sent to you via email. Data shown below is as of Friday 31st January 2025.

Mandatory SubjectAssessment
German and Communication2
Applied Maths1
Business Management1
Energy Systems3
Mandatory SubjectAssessment
Drive Technology and Mechatronics Workshop and Production Engineering1
Drive Technology and Mechatronics1
Automation and Industrial Electronics Workshop and Production Engineering1
Automation and Industrial Electronics2
Computer-Aided Project Development1

Assessment levels are categorised as follows:
Very good (1), Good (2), Satisfactory (3), Sufficient (4), and Not sufficient (5).

The highest (as in best) attainable grade is 1 (Very good), while the lowest (as in worst) attainable grade is 5 (Not sufficient; less than 50%).

Luna 2021 - 2025, not affiliated with anyone.Made with love & autism by